The Full Story

What really happens to my glass?
At ACRES of Glass, we collect, process and reuse the glass...albeit in a new form. Check out our gallery for more info on what we do with the glass...
There is a rather small amount of material that we cannot process and we do our best to either recycle those materials or dispose of them in a manner that is beneficial to the environment.
Items we receive that cannot be recycled in our system:
Plastic caps and rings
Metal (often found on wine and liquor bottles)
Fruit (That lime tastes really good with your beer, but our machine does not approve!)
Any other trash or non-glass items that find our way into the crates
Our mission is simple, to divert glass from our landfills and give glass that would have otherwise been discarded a new life.
At ACRES of Glass we pulverize the glass (GLS 2.0 glass crusher machine) and then sort the crushed glass "sand" into 5 sizes using an LV Screener.
Sand Sizing:
Size 1: >3.4mm 10% (Also called Cullet/Mulch)
Size 2: 3.4mm – 1.7mm 25% (Medium Mulch)
Size 3: 1.7mm – 1.1mm 20% (Fine Mulch/Coarse Sand)
Size 4: 1.1mm – 0.4mm 30% (Typical FL Sand)
Size 5: < 0.4mm 15% (Fine Sand)